Bob explaining the process of transmuting sexual abuse into a high state of healing, individuality, psychological wellness and being able to see what's special in yourself and others.
Video Transcript
Okay, let's go deep. The topic today is going to be unraped To healer. It's more than obvious to everybody that when somebody is sexually abused, at whatever age that happens, that is a horrific experience for both people. It is ungodly. It's invalidating to the person that had happens to. It creates an entire cascade of physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual tragedies that start happening for that person and for the person that did it, or persons. Let's back up. We already know now from listening to the other videos about natural stretching that when you naturally stretch like an animal, your muscles naturally contract, say when you're stretching your bicep and then as you lengthen your bicep out it contracts and the fascia resists and that removes dense fashion scar tissue. Well, that dense fashion scar tissue is a trauma and that's how it manifests in the body, is in accumulation of dense fashion and scar tissue in the body. So, when you were stretching that muscle or being assisted to stretch that muscle and you allow your body and defer to your body to show you how to naturally tense and resist, there's a certain amount of tension and resistance that's necessary to remove that dense fashion scar tissue. And that's a natural thing your body actually produces. And it's considerable. It's two to six times the strength of whatever the muscle is when you contract it to strengthen it. But as we know from before, you don't have the nervous innovation to that tissue. So, that gigantic force your body's creating doesn't feel like much force to you, you just feel the muscle contracting a little bit. And when you do that, there's no pain, there's almost no awareness of that happening, unless you look at the other person. And that's the force it takes to remove that dense fashion scar tissue. And that's done, whether you do it yourself or have somebody else assist you to do that or multiple people to assist you to do that. So, when we're talking about a trauma as large as being raped or sexually abused, again at whatever age that happened, we're talking about some serious dense fashion scar tissue being produced in your physical body. Now, many people do all types of therapy to try to repair themselves from being sexually abused. And sooner or later, they realize if they don't take the damage out of their body, the other things don't completely work yet. In other words, your body is the foundation of your psychology and your emotionality and your spirituality. So, if you want to make a change, the body has got to change. And so, you have to actually interface with your body in order to make that happen. When a person is sexually abused, they're objectified. What happens when a person's objectified is that they become depersonalized, they leave their body. So, when you take out that trauma and that scar tissue, what happens to the person? Well, most people think you don't ever get rid of that event, that you can work on processing it, but once you've been sexually abused, you've always been sexually abused, once you've been addicted to alcohol, you're always an addict, once you've been a robber, you're always a robber, once you've been narcissistic, you're always narcissistic. That's exactly not true. What happens is that when you remove this dense fashion scar tissue, associated with that negative part, that's been developed in you, that's soullessness, that intense emptiness, that thwarting of developing of a certain part of yourself, you develop exactly the opposite, you get the high trait. So, when you take out the trauma associated with sexual abuse, you then are unraped. It's as if it's never happened except in the process of removing that trauma, you develop high traits that somebody would have, that was never raped. And those qualities include things like, high individuality, capacity to heal other people, very high emotional states where other people are viewed as very special, very astute psychological insights into other people. You develop some incredibly high functioning behaviors, as a result, if the work is done to remove in your body, that trauma that, that sexual abuse caused. So, most people are under the idea that if you injured your elbow in an accident, that the best you can do is get rid of the abuse that occurred to your elbow. No, that's not what happens. When you take the abuse out of the elbow, you get a better elbow than you've ever had in your whole life. That's the name of the game. But you gotta take that abuse out. So I'm trying to let everybody know that there's this big issue about sexual abuse, and as totally abhorrent as that situation is, for both people involved, you can transmute that like compost and turn it into the most flowering, amazing behaviors for yourself and for the other person. Now, there's something to know about abuse and the victim. You have to know that when the person that's abusing the other person. that they're victimizing, they're watching the person being victimized. And the victim person is watching the person that's abusing them. Well, if you're a child and your parent loves you, you watch them loving you, so, you learn how to be more loving than you already are. And if they're very validating of you, you learn how to be validating. And if they can see how special you are, you get to learn how to be special and see other people as special. So, if you talk to the abusers, who don't usually want to be talked to, because people give credit to the victim, but not the abuser, the abuser always feels like they're a victim. And the victims don't usually admit that they've now learnt how to abuse people. That's what's actually happened. And the question is what do they do with that part of them that now knows how to abuse people? Well, first of all, they already had the capacity to abuse other people, whether they're ever abused or not. That's just one of the 16 parts of people's personality type. It's associated with the muscle groups on the top back of your head, over your shoulders, down your arm, associated with the Thymus genetic personality type, The Genius of Healing. And what that type will tell you is that when they're healing another person, they're aware of, when the person's damaged, that it brings up intense feelings of wanting to hurt the person. And if the person has a disease, they want to kill the person. That's the feelings that come up in a person. And what the healer will tell you, if you're willing to listen, is that if they allow themselves to have those feelings, their hands become so sensitive, their mind becomes so smart, their energy awareness becomes so exquisite and their caring becomes so intimate that they actually find themselves making the movements and talking to the person in a way that facilitates them to be healed. So, I don't think most people think that people that are very sobering are feeling addicted at all. Of course, they are, they just know how to transmute it. And most people don't think the person that's really creative or a great entertainer is somebody that's experiencing anxiety. Oh no, they have more than you do. They just know how to transmute that. So, in terms of the abuser and the victim, the abuser needs to learn how to handle feelings of victimization and the victim needs to know how to handle feelings of being abusive. And those feelings of abuse, which shows up as tension on the back of the neck and shoulders, when you take it out, gives you exquisite skills to know how to bring the soul back into the person, how to heal that person. And the person that was the abuser learns how to be an individual, which they didn't feel, which is why they were being abusive before. And so, there's this relationship in being raped between the person that was raped, the victim and the abuser, that's this balancing act where they need to switch roles to understand and come through it. Now, one of the weirdest things about being abused is that you would think if you're abused, the abusers should be punished. Well, quite frankly, if you don't learn how to forgive the abuser, you take on their qualities. That seems unfair, but that's the way it works. So, here somebody abuses you, and now not only are you abused, but now you have to forgive them. And in the process of forgiving them, you take on the high traits, the opposite of what the abuser was doing. So, the complicated part about healing in general is that, say somebody is sexually abused, well, when that happens, it's so unsatisfying to say the least, that you stop attaching to the person that's abusing you. But now you've taught yourself to not attach anymore. So, in the process of removing that trauma, that sexual abuse trauma in your tissues, you get connected back into attaching to other people, knowing how to get satisfaction by attaching to other people. We're dealing with an extremely intense topic here for people, and of course abusing different age people's has very different charges to it. Of course, the worst is when people sexually abused children, that's how it's thought of. It's really important for anybody that's been sexual abused, to take that trauma out of their body, so they can become this powerful healer, this powerful individual, this self-actualized, this authentic person that they actually are. They become super person, more than most people will ever know, how to become. If you were not sexually abused but treated with incredible intimacy, you would develop those same kind of traits, but when you've been sexually abused, you have a choice. Do you want to stay the victim or do you want to become super amazing and use that event as compost to create the best part of yourself? You need this recreation to happen. You need this regeneration to happen. It is incredible to have that experience. You go from being in the worst moods all the time, from feeling quite frankly fucked up in your head from being very lost and at the same time, you feel physically destroyed. And instead you get to feel the healthiest than most people will ever feel. You get to feel totally psychologically well and savvy. You get to mature yourself emotionally, beyond what most people know how to do. And you get to have a life that is beyond what most people can imagine. That's what's at stake here. That's why it's important to go after this. Get unraped, make it happen for yourself, get other people to help you. Glad I got to talk to you about it.