The 16 Geniuses — 16 Genetic Personality Types with Bob Cooley
What's my type?
Santa Barbara, CA
November 26 - December 17, 2014
Wednesday, November 26 — 6:45 pm - 8:45 pm
Wed 11/26 — 6:45 pm - 8:45 pm
Wednesday, December 3 — 6:45 pm - 8:45 pm
Wed 12/3 — 6:45 pm - 8:45 pm
Wednesday, December 10 — 6:45 pm - 8:45 pm
Wed 12/10 — 6:45 pm - 8:45 pm
Wednesday, December 17 — 6:45 pm - 8:45 pm
Wed 12/17 — 6:45 pm - 8:45 pm
@ The Genius of Flexibility Santa Barbara
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This event is open to all ages, abilities, and levels of experience.
The only prerequisite is an interest.
This is a great way to be introduced to Resistance Flexibility.
About Resistance Flexibility
The Genius of Flexibility introduces the Resistance Flexibility™ (RF) training of Bob Cooley. Resistance Flexibility advances and unites physical therapy, yoga, personal training, psychology, traditional Chinese medicine, and Genetic Personality Type theory.
Resistance Flexibility is a unique, hands-on modality used to develop athletes and performers, rehabilitate the severely and ordinarily injured, and help people of all walks of life achieve their goals. Based on an original biomechanical and energetic analysis of the body and personality, RF achieves unprecedented results.
Course Objective
This workshop is designed to introduce participants to the concepts, principles, and practice of RF. This includes basic self stretches, basic assisted stretches, and an introduction to the physiological, psychological, emotional, and spiritual upgrades that RF can facilitate.
This course includes lots of physical activity, but you work at your own pace. Variations are taught for every exercise allowing people of all ages and abilities to fully participate.
Preview of Concepts Covered
This course will teach you new concepts about flexibility such as...
- Inflexibility is not caused solely by tense muscles, but by the dense fascia and/or scar tissue that has accumulated in and around the muscles.
- You must continuously resist and contract a muscle while lengthening it in order to exceed the tensile strength of the accumulated dense fascia which results in immediate increases in flexibility and strength.
- Most of the increases in flexibility occur when the muscle starts in a position where it is as short as possible and then lengthened, not at the end point of the stretch where the muscle is already fully elongated.
- The flexibility of a muscle is not just limited by its own health and ability, but by the shortening capacity of its balancing muscle group.
- It is commonly thought that simply weight training a muscle increases its ability to shorten, however, the ability of a muscle to shorten is dependent on its resistance flexibility.
- Range of motion does not equate to flexibility. True flexibility includes the health of the tissue and the muscle's ability to continuously and fully contract concentrically, eccentrically, and isometrically throughout that range. Extreme range of motion is often an indicator of hyper mobility potentially leading to instability and damage of the joint structures.
- Stretching is not just a physical activity, but has direct and predictable associations with the physiological, psychological, emotional, and spiritual parts of a person.
- Stretching is not just a solo activity. Maximal results require the participation of others through assisted stretching.
- ...and so much more!
Certification Precursor
This is a great workshop to take before attending a certification course, which provides a deeper learning experience.
November 26, 2014 | Traditional Chinese Medicine and Types |
December 3, 2014 | Integration for Types |
December 10, 2014 | Archetypes and Types |
December 17, 2014 | Getting Out of the Box of Being a Type |
The GPT lecture/participation always begins by having the four groups of types assemble, and then for new people to discover which group they are in and what type they are. Topics discussed include:
Types and Geniuses
A New Psychology — Based on Types
Resistance Flexibility Exercises and Types
Archetypes and Types
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Types
Balancing/Unconscious Types
High and Low Type Traits
Cultures, Races, Nationalities, and Religions are Types
16 Types of Intelligence and Intuition
Identical Twins — Nature versus Nurture and Types
Group and Types Equivalencies
Four Principles and Types —Balance, Concomitance, Equivalency,
and Reflection
Diet and the Types
Types —The Game
16 Types of Relationships
Famous People and Types
The Weak Link and Types
Language and the Types
Getting Out of The Box of being a Type
Types and the Genome
Integration of the Types
Sex and the Types
Virtues and Transgressions of the Types
Defenses of Types
Careers and Types
Bob Cooley Class Series - 4 Classes - $100
Single Class - $35
Register in Person
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